COVID Antibody Testing Now Available at DHM


DHM is excited to offer one of the world’s best and most rapid antibody (lgG and lgM) tests to Novel coronavirus COVID-19. Livzon’s test was the first test used in China has been used widely in the top tier Chinese hospitals to combat infections and is now available globally. It is currently being used by many governments and countries around the world, such as: Denmark, Sweden, France, Spain, Russia, and the US. This test detects both early marker and late marker, IgM/IgG antibodies through an easy finger-prick method. Wait time for results: 15 minutes.

This test will tell you if you have been exposed to COVID-19, NOT if you have an active infection. This test has been validated by thousands of clinical samples, and the FDA has issued “clearance to distribute to HCPs” for these testing kits via Section IV.D of the FDA’s “Policy for Diagnostic Tests for Coroniavirus-2019”.

Cost of test is: $95 - please call our office for a quick 30-minute appointment at (303) 862-8756. You may also schedule this test through our online portal. You will receive your results before you leave the office.

Stay healthy and safe!