Healthy Eating This Holiday Season

Thanksgiving is a time when people often eat so much that they feel sick or enter a “food coma” – people often blame the chemical tryptophan found in turkey for their post-meal sleepiness, but in reality, any large quantity of food can cause someone to pass out on the couch.

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Life Balance with Fertility Struggles

For some couples, conceiving a child seems to come easy. This is especially true when you are struggling with fertility issues, seeing others get pregnant, seemingly without effort. For a couple struggling with infertility, the painful reality is that trying to become pregnant becomes a full-time job; for them, there is a much smaller chance of “a happy accident” or becoming pregnant “when the time is right”.

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Fertility & Obesity

For many women trying to conceive a child, factors such as age, lifestyle choices like drinking alcohol and smoking, hormone balance, family history, and even exposure to certain chemicals can all affect fertility. One factor that strongly affects a woman’s fertility is her body weight. Many women struggling with infertility may be unaware of this until they have a consultation with a fertility specialist.

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Without doubt, women’s reproductive health is a very complex topic. Reproductive health impacts the whole body, and similarly, the general health of a woman has a large impact on her overall reproductive health, and more specifically her ability to conceive.

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Is Your Digestive Health Supporting Your Fertility

Digestion is the fundamental component of how we assimilate nutrients from our food and how we eliminate toxins from the body. A healthy digestive track is necessary to utilize every vegetable, fruit, herb and nutritional supplement we take in to our body. This process is particularly important when we are trying to conceive because each and every supportive nutrient going into your body is helping to create the life of an amazing new tiny human. Check out this diagram to understand the complex process of proper digestion.

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Endometriosis 101

Endometriosis is a gynecological condition where the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) grows in areas outside of the uterus (the bowel, the fallopian tubes, the ovaries, the bladder, ligaments, etc.). Endometrial tissue, regardless of whether it grows inside ]or outside the uterus, is stimulated and proliferated by the release of reproductive hormones, specifically estrogen. 

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Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy

As women (and men) approach mid-life, many experience negative changes in health and well-being, including (but not limited to) increased fatigue, decreased libido, dry skin, lowered immunity, irregular menstrual cycles, sleep disturbances, anxiety and depression. When these symptoms begin to arise, many ponder whether hormone therapy is a good option for them.

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